Tuesday 2 December 2014

An Unexpected Life Lesson From A Cab Driver

A taxi driver taught me an unforgettable lesson in customer service and satisfaction. I realized that motivational speakers charge hundreds of dollars to share this kind of lessons to corporate staffs. However, it only costs me a $10 cab ride.

I had a business trip to Dallas that time so my plan included a fast trip to and from the airport. A neat white cab pulled up and the taxi driver rushed to open the passenger's door for me. He also see to it that I was comfortably seated before he gently closed the door. As he got into the driver's seat, he told me that a neatly folded newspaper can be used. He then showed me several CDs and asked me what genre of music I would like to listen to.

How to cut down on sugar in your diet

Our love affair with sugar can mean that many of us are getting too many calories, which is one of the causes behind our ever-expanding waistlines.
Most of us could do with eating less sugar, particularly added sugar. But many habits, especially ones we like, are so hard to kick.

Dietitian Alison Hornby says: “Identify the sources of sugar in your diet, and decide what to cut out completely and what to cut down on.
“You don’t need to cut down on sugars found in fruit or dairy products because these foods contain lots of nutrients that are good for us.
“It’s the food high in added sugar, such as fizzy drinks, which contain lots of calories but few other nutrients that we should be trying to consume less of.”